2009 Omega 38mm Super Pa Appreciation

There is no damage to the head, unfortunately, the lucky, there is a head can be used as a reference. 20 Here we take a look at the time, many people say that the Swiss watch is not the original maintenance, or 10 years are not in need of maintenance, I think this is not reliable, to this Omega, for example, the largest The problem is the stolen, and the lack of storage, the colonel instrument to test after the discovery, the swing is only 200 succeeded, the minimum or even to 150, the difference between the different days of large fluctuations in the individual Swiss general movement of the proposed watch, if conditions permit The best wash oil about 5 years time, especially the original watch do not really watch the real bad, and then for maintenance. Although the cost is more expensive, but compared to the real need to replace the parts, for maintenance, is still very cheap Well, on the movement of the explanation here is over. If you want to know more about the knowledge of clocks and watches, you can go to my personal forum to build "forum" to see my previous posts. Sincerely thank you for reading. Your click is my biggest motivation. For everyone to see, this original rolex replica watches movement and the Chinese-made super-engraved 3135 movement contrast, from the work point of view, I think really has reached the level of no parity. The two movements are very beautiful workmanship, which is great in China. Of course I have been waiting for Rolex SA out of the original ceramic outer ring, and literally. If there is the first time I will buy and install the Super 3135 version of the copy, and the process for everyone to share pictures. If you happen to have these items, or have a genuine Rolex Sub that you do not plan to wear again, I can take the full 1/3 of the price, literally and ceramic outer ring. Of course, I can also send you back to replace the ceramic outer ring and literally, so you can still use the watch. If any friends who are interested in the table can give me a message. I believe to see here, we also have a certain understanding of the original swiss replica watches it. The so-called original is not out of reach of the myth, is not never wear a magic weapon, time traces will not miss anything. I am no longer here and other businesses like the big talk about the mentality of the so-called players brainwashing for everyone. Everyone looks at things in a different way, and no one has the right to impose on others their own values. In the jar I often see a lot of friends said, buy a high fear afraid to buy a fake, every time I do not comment, this time I give this idea of ​​the Friends of the table some small suggestions, I personally Buy watches, before I engaged in this industry, but also from the homemade brand-name watches, Casio, Citizen, Omega began, in the end I do not care other people's eyes before choosing the high imitation table. I believe that most of the choices in Yingzheng uk replica watches industry to buy high imitation table table friends are the same as my opinion leaders in their respective circles, if you are still more concerned about the views of others, and other people's eyes, then you can start - Casio - Swiss big watch slowly along the way, while walking Wu. When you really reach the height of opinion leaders and then choose, so your vision may be more wide.